Living Healthy Report | References

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Web pages and services referenced in Living Healthy Report 2023 include:


CHO’s message

Australian Health Survey: Biomedical Results for Chronic Diseases

Australian Burden of Disease Study: Impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2018

National Preventive Health Strategy 2021–2030

How much does Australia spend on prevention and how would we know whether it is enough?

Invest in prevention to save lives - Position statement

Return on investment of public health interventions: a systematic review

Australia’s hospitals at a glance


Australian Burden of Disease Study: Impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2018

Physical Activity

Foodbank Hunger Report 2022

Sleep problems as a risk factor for chronic conditions

First insights from the National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2020–21

Introduction to wellbeing

What is the World Health Organization?

Social determinants of health (AIHW)

Social determinants of health (WHO)

The commercial determinants of health

Health across socioeconomic groups

Australia’s health 2022 in brief Mental health

Mental health

Living in economically uncertain times

Consumer Price Index, Australia

Financial stress and your health

COVID-19 Induced Economic Slowdown and Mental Health Issues

Australian Burden of Disease Study: Impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2018

Early childhood poverty and adult achievement, employment and health

Recessions and Health: The Long- Term Health Consequences of Responses to the Coronavirus

Macroeconomic Conditions and Health in Britain: Aggregation, Dynamics and Local
Area Heterogeneity

The Impact of Economic Recessions on Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma-Related Disorders and Illness Outcomes – A Scoping Review

Weather and natural disaster impacts on the Australian national accounts

COVID-19: challenges and opportunities

Health and welfare links

Living healthy report 2022

First Nations

Aboriginal Health (definition)

Toward health and wellbeing for Indigenous Australians

Closing the gap targets and outcomes

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework

First Nations Advisory Board established to guide Woolworths Group’s reconciliation journey


Australia’s health 2022 in brief

People with disability in Australia 2022: in brief

Benefits of employing people with disability

Building an accessible and inclusive workplace culture

Woolworths takes mini supermarket program national with 25 more sites set to open in schools and inclusive recruitment centres