Want to exercise more but don’t know where to start?

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Want to exercise more but don’t know where to start?

2 September 2024|4 min read

Whether it's washing the car, going for a run or a friendly game of sport, movement that you enjoy is better than no movement at all. To help you kick start, we’ve got some easy ideas on how to make healthy exercise habits that stick and you certainly don’t have to sign up to a marathon to get there.

How do you exercise?

Regular exercise has a number of benefits for the body and mind. There are two main types of exercise: Cardio (aerobic training) and strength training.

Cardio training includes activity that gets you huffing and puffing, essentially putting your lungs into action and increasing heart rate. It can be classed into three intensity levels - light, moderate and vigorous. A quick way to test your exercise intensity is using the Talk Test (check out the video below for more info on this).

Strength training, also commonly known as resistance training, helps make your muscles and bones strong and healthy. Strength exercises use weight to place stress on your body, and that stress helps to build your muscles over time. 

You can do strength training using your own body, for example: push-ups, squats or lunges (AKA body resistance exercises). You can also use equipment or other house-work to strength train, such as  lifting weights like dumbbells or kettlebells, plus house-work tasks that involve lifting, carrying, or digging can also count as strength training.

Cardio exercise examples:

  • Light: walking the dog
  • Moderate: riding a bike
  • Vigorous: running or fast paced sports

Strength training examples:

  • Body weight: push-ups, squats, lunges
  • Weights: dumbbells and kettlebells
  • Functional movements like lifting, digging or carrying.

Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Sam Rooney, will show you some aerobic and strength exercises to get you started as well as how to use the Talk Test to determine your intensity. Get some simple body weight exercises that you can do at home.

How can I start exercising more?

You don’t have to run a marathon to clock up those exercise minutes. Some daily activities are already helping you reach your goals. Here are 6 simple changes you can easily make today:

  1. Taking the dog for a walk helps you crack away at your daily movement goals.
  2. Skipping is a fun and effective way to get your heart rate up - and it’s not just for the kids, it’s fun for all ages.
  3. Green thumb goals: gardening like weeding and mowing adds minutes to your movement clock. 
  4. Disco dancing does it: crank up your favourite tunes and dance the night away - any movement is good movement. 
  5. Boxing: whether it's air boxing, or using a cool boxing bag and some gloves - this is a fun way to get your heart pumping. 
  6. Do you sit for the majority of your day? Consider a standing desk, or take short walks between meetings to help you get those steps up. 

How much exercise should I be doing?

When it comes to exercise, any movement is good movement! However the guidelines do provide an overview of how much you should be aiming for each week.

For health, Australian adults should aim to meet the following Physical Activity Guidelines

  • Be active on most days
  • Over 7 days, accumulate 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity or 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous intensity physical activity. A simple guide is to aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Perform muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days each week.

Everyone is unique, exercise doesn’t have a ‘one size fits all’ approach – thankfully, there are so many options when it comes to exercise – from the traditional idea of going for a walk, to classes like Zumba, or new workout inventions such as Barre Body Classes. 

How do I make exercise a habit?

If you’ve already started including some movement in your day, give yourself a big pat on the back. Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part, and you’ve done that. 

So, how can you keep up the momentum? Try ‘exercise snacking’. And before you ask, no this doesn’t involve munching on biscuits between burpees. Fitness ‘snacking’ is about breaking up exercise into smaller bursts throughout the day. Research shows short bursts of exercise spread out throughout the day can be really good for your health. Scrap the idea that you need to do all your exercise at one time in the day. You might break it by taking the stairs at work or the shops, take your dog for a walk and go for a quick 10 minute jog. Before you know it, your daily movement is done.

How can I remain motivated with exercise?

There are a number of techniques you can try to help you gain momentum on your new found movement journey.

  1. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who support your efforts will help you make progress and keep you motivated.
  2. Finding a workout buddy or group to keep you accountable.
  3. Swap exercise you hate for enjoyable movement. If going to the gym sounds like your worst nightmare but you like the idea of going for a walk, swim or dance class, then embrace the movement you enjoy the most. After all, when you enjoy things, you may find it easier to be consistent.
  4. Do something that fits into your current schedule easily - you can always make more time for exercise once it’s part of your routine and you enjoy how it makes you feel.
  5. Consider setting some short and long term goals. When we think of goal setting, we often think of our desired destination or outcome. But it’s also important to attach that outcome to a sustainable, enjoyable behaviour. When setting goals, make sure they are SMART. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

Taking that first step toward a new fitness journey is huge, and we’re cheering you on for going for it! Just remember to pace yourself as you increase your activity levels—it’s all about making steady progress. Speaking to your healthcare professional to ensure you’re exercising right for you and your health is always a great place to start.

Remember, exercise is a journey not a race. Whilst something may be difficult at first, this is normal.  Keep at it and celebrate your small wins along the way.

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Article developed with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA).
Reviewed by Healthylife health experts July 2024