What is a medical certificate?

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What is a medical certificate?

13 March 2024|3 min read

In Australia, a medical certificate may be required in various situations, with the most common scenario being the application for either personal or sick leave.

Medical certificates are often used to support different types of leave entitlements at a workplace, like carer’s leave or sick leave. Whilst you can still apply for sick leave or carer’s leave without a certificate, most employers would require one as proof of your inability to work before agreeing to pay you during your time off. 

Please note that all workplaces are different, so it’s best to check your workplace policies to understand what you need. 

What is a medical certificate?

A medical certificate is an ‘official’ or formal document that acknowledges an individual has had a medical examination and is generally issued by a registered doctor or other qualified medical practitioner. 

Medical certificate, also known as a doctor’s certificate, generally is provided to identify that an individual is unfit for work or school due to their or their loved ones health issues. It is normally required in situations where that individual needs to take sick leave or carer’s leave and this certificate serves as evidence of the illness or the need to care for an immediate member of the family or household. 

You can get a medical certificate through an in-person or telehealth consultation. 

What makes a medical certificate valid?

From the Australian Medical Association guidelines, a medical certificate is required to contain the following information: 

  • Name and address of the doctor issuing the certificate;
  • Name of the patient; 
  • Date on which the examination took place;
  • Date on which the certificate was issued;
  • Date(s) on which the patient is or was unfit for attendance

All the above need to be clearly visible on the certificate with the signature of the medical practitioner for it to be classified as a valid medical certificate. 

What are the different types of medical certificates?

Medical certificates come in different types to cater to different needs and circumstances of an individual. The two most common ones are:

Medical/Sick leave Certificate

This is issued as a supporting document when claiming sick leave entitlements. It details the patient’s details and the required time off work or school. 

Carer’s certificate 

It’s useful when you need to care for an immediate family or household member. It shows the requirement of your presence for the care of the family member.

Which medical certificate do you need?

This will depend on your personal circumstances as there are different types of medical certificates that can be provided by your healthcare professional. They are: 

  • Single-Day Sick Leave Certificates: These certificates are for short-term mild illnesses and these confirm that a person is unfit for work or school for a single day due to a specific health condition.
  • Multi-Day Sick Leave Certificates: These certificates are for longer periods of illness (maximum of 3 days). This type of certificate covers multiple days and indicates a more extended absence from work or school due to a specific health condition.
  • Carer’s Certificate: This certificate is for when an individual needs to take time off work to provide care for an immediate family or household member who is ill or injured.


When requiring a medical certificate, it's important to contact your health professional who can guide you on which certificate you need. 

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Reviewed by Healthylife health experts March 2024